Mature dragons are mature female dragons, becoming significantly larger than the normal Dragon but lower than High Dragon. It is rare to find even one, much less several of them altogether. With a stronger resistance to fire, dragons are mostly elites or boss-level encounters. Because of their nomadic habits, these are the dragons most frequently encountered by man. Young females travel great distances looking for a suitable nesting site. They too undergo a metamorphosis of sorts at adulthood But while males lose the use of their forepaws, females actually grow a third set of limbs specifically to serve as wings. Drakes have an uncanny resistance to fire, being dragons, so it is not recommended to use it against them.įemale dragons take much longer to mature than their male counterparts. Ranked normal or elite, the Warden will encounter usually two or more at once. Drakes defend their potential nest aggressively, and many would-be dragon hunters have lost their lives to a drake's fiery breath or a crushing blow from its tail.ĭrakes are a step up from dragonlings. Once a drake is selected by a high dragon, he will be monogamous for life. Often several drakes will linger around the home of a high dragon, each hoping to receive approval. Their forelegs grow only vestigial spurs where wing membranes would be in female dragons.ĭrakes seek out the lairs of high dragons immediately after reaching maturity. Male dragons never develop into the winged monsters of myth. Dragonlings usually remain with their mothers until they reach adulthood and venture out on their own. They have voracious appetites, but lack the features that distinguish their elders of their gender.
These sinuous, wingless creatures are born in large numbers, as only a few ever survive to maturity, and are roughly the size of a deer. A newly hatched dragon is called a dragonling. Dragonling ĭragons begin their lives within eggs. Dragon Age: Inquisition introduces different types of these dragons, for example the Fereldan Frostback. Involvement Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker ĭragons are classified by the various forms they take as they age. Examinations show that the bodies of dragons form natural cysts around areas in their bodies infected by the Taint, making them unusually resistant -but not immune- to the disease, in stark contrast to other species. The scientific study of dragons and their relatives, like Wyverns and Varghests, is called "Draconology" and is taught at the University of Orlais by Professor Frederic. Furthermore, she speaks in an unknown tongue to her high dragon. In Dragon Age: The Silent Grove, Yavana says that there was a time "before the Veil, before the mysteries were forgotten," when dragons ruled the skies. Although much remains unknown, evidence suggests that high dragons may allow such devoted humans to assist in the care of dragonlings in exchange for small quantities of precious dragon blood. The "dragon cults" of legend were notorious for their fanatic devotion to their particular high dragon.
Most people thought that dragons had been extinct for centuries, but a notable rampage by a high dragon during the end of the Blessed Age caused Divine Faustine II to name the next Age as the Dragon Age. Such precautions fell out of practice after dragon hunters from Nevarra hunted them to near-extinction. Through the Steel Age, humans often destroyed such locations to discourage dragons from nesting close to settlements. Dragons prefer to live in old ruins and cave complexes.